Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Taking time for the little things

A good friend of mine has a little girl that just started kindergarten this year. I was asking her for suggestions on my last year at home with Alex. One thing that has stuck with me, "Just enjoy her. Don't wish this time away."
So, after school I was getting Alex ready for her nap, and decided on a whim to go and play in the rain instead. While Carson napped, us girls had a great time. I had fun playing with the saturation on these photos too. I am SO glad we had this special time together and I hope to enjoy every moment with her that I get! Thanks for the great advice, Allison!

HA! Classic. Love this photo.

Alex with her best friend, Macy


DeDe said...

You get the #1 MOM award today! You rock!

Sally said...

great advice...and ahhh! she had such LIFE out there playing, how fun! you are a great lil mommy!! xoxo

Tara James said...

LOVE THEM girlfriend... Awesome pics and memories! (=