Wednesday, January 7, 2009

and now deep Melissa Darby :)

I am having a rough week so I'd like to take a moment and vent:
I believe that God's desire and what the Bible teaches, is that joy is a real emotion. God com­mands us to feel happy, feel joy, feel good…I think one of the keys to expe­ri­enc­ing this [Joy as a real emo­tion] is staying focused on God as our source of joy. Our cir­cum­stances change from day to day. Life some­times (or almost always) is dif­fi­cult; events can even be tragic, but when we focus on God him­self and His love for us, it brings real joy...regardless of cir­cum­stances. We (aka "I") can become so wor­ried about the events of today and tomor­row and focus so closely on circum­stances that we miss the smile on God’s face and forget His remark­able salvation and provision.
Con­tent­ment flows from our atti­tude! This is a main key to living simply…it starts with the heart atti­tude. Rejoic­ing in the Lord will bring true and last­ing contentment!
Easier said than done...but I'm trying.


Tara James said...

Here here sister! I too struggle keeping my eyes on the prize, so to speak... so know you're not alone.

Sally said...

loved so true. WHY is it so hard sometimes????

Jaime said...

so true - we are all trying! love you Mel!

shannon houlihan said...

Love you very much Mel!

Rosemond said...

Amen, sister!